The Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk |
November, 2021 The second expert group meeting of the project "Valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route" On November 18, 2021, the second expert group meeting was held in Ivano-Frankivsk under the project “Valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route” implemented by the NGO “Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk (AEDIF) ”in partnership with Development Center for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Maramures (Romania) and Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas in the framework of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Program 2014 -2020. During the meeting, Mariya Kovaliv – Vice-chairman of the NGO “Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk (AEDIF)”, project manager, familiarized participants with the project implementation “Valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route”, with the results of analytical research to analyse and assess the potential of Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia regions to create and promote Carpathian Cultural Route. As noted by Mariya Kovaliv, the process of planning and managing a cultural route should begin with an understanding, which is the analysis and study of documentation of the route and the region in which it is located. This analytical research is the first step of an innovative initiative to create the Carpathian Cultural Route within the project " Valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route ". The proposed analytical research involves assessing the historical, cultural and tourist potential and determining the suitability and usefulness of available resources for the creation and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route. The analytical research consists of ten chapters, which are built in a logical sequence to assess the potential of the region, determine its tourist attractiveness and assess cultural, historical and tourist resources, attractions and areas for the development of the Carpathian Cultural Route. Thus, "Introduction" and "Philosophy of Research" aims to give a brief overview of current views and ideas on cultural routes, the relationship of culture and tourism for their development. The chapter "Regulatory and legal support" contains an analysis of current legislation on the creation and operation of cultural routes, details the relationship between culture and tourism in the development of cultural routes. The analysis was carried out at three levels - European, national and regional (Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia regions). At each of these levels, the following components are analysed: legislative field, international agreements, strategic documents. The chapter "General characteristics of Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia regions" contains an analysis of the region in terms of its geographical location, history, administrative-territorial structure, relief, climate and climatic resources, natural mineral resources, water resources, soil and land resources, forest resources, vegetation and plant resources, wildlife and its resources, nature reserves and facilities, ecological network, population, labour resources and the labour market. The chapter "Ecological situation" describes the state of atmospheric air, the state of solid waste management, the state of water use and drainage, man-made situation, describes the recreational capacity of the territory, determined the capacity of recreational centres in the target region. The Infrastructure Development chapter provides an analysis of the development of transport (road, rail and air), communications and telecommunications systems, social and market infrastructure. The chapter "Economic Development" analyses the state of the region's economy and its industries, as well as the development of mountain areas. The chapter "Tourism" assesses the tourist attractiveness of the region, analyses the development of tourism, its main performance indicators, describes the main types of tourism, pays special attention to the development of cultural and cognitive tourism and provides unique tourist attractions - "brands" of the region. The chapter "Culture" reflects the development of culture, describes the development of ethnoculture in the region, folk art, Carpathian cuisine, analyses the monuments of culture and architecture, describes the historical, cultural and architectural value of settlements of Ivano-Frankivsk region, details list and description of objects cultural and historical heritage of the region. In the chapter "Target markets and marketing tools for the promotion and sale of the tourist product" Carpathian Cultural Route "a description of the target markets, consumer segments, analysis of marketing tools for the promotion and sale of the tourist product" Carpathian Cultural Route". The chapter "Economic calculations of benefits / consequences after the creation of a cultural route for local communities, local businesses and consumers-tourists" identifies the projected financial impact of the stay of tourists coming for cultural tourism to the target region. The chapter "SWOT - analysis of the creation and development of the Carpathian Cultural Route " identifies strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats that may affect the development of the Carpathian Cultural Route. This analytical research will facilitate the process of creating and promoting the Carpathian Cultural Route, attracting the necessary resources, as well as establishing contacts with potential participants in the route. Liudmyla Arkhypova – Head of the Tourism Department of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Project Coordinator, reported on the state of the sociological survey. Mariya Kovaliv – Vice-chairman of the NGO “Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk (AEDIF)”, project manager, reported on the state of formation of the database of Carpathian Cultural Route. Vitaliy Perederko – Head of the expert group and Head of the Tourism Department of the Department of International Cooperation, European Integration, Tourism and Investments of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, noted the importance of creating this tourist product as an important factor of socio-economic and cultural development of Ivano-Frankivsk region and thanked Mariya Kovaliv, project manager, for taking into account the proposals of expert group members to the analytical research. Oleg Mandryk - First Vice-Rector of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas noted the conduct of a very extensive and thorough analytical research. The discussion of these project activities (analytical research, sociological survey, database) was attended by: Volodymyr Burdeniuk – Project Coordinator of the NGO “Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk (AEDIF)”, secretary of the expert group, Maria Makivnychuk – Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovyna Village Council, Andriy Stasiuk –Head of the Scientific and Educational Department of the National Reserve "Ancient Halych", Halyna Bednarchyk - Director of the Ivano-Frankivsk Museum of Local Lore. Reference: Project “Valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route” is implemented in the framework of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 financed by the European Union Overall objective of the Project is support to valorisation of the cultural and historical heritage in the Carpathian Euroregion through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route as integrated cultural heritage tourism product within the cross-border regions of Romania and Ukraine. Specific objectives are: to create an integrated cultural heritage tourism product “Carpathian Cultural Route” that connect places of historical and cultural heritage with other attractions and services; to improve the skills and knowledge of cultural tourism representatives through the training programme; to promote an integrated cultural heritage tourism product “Carpathian Cultural Route” in the regional and international markets through the development of promotional materials, joint online information sources and mobile application.